Orchid Boarding at Carter and Holmes Orchids
Plant Sitting and Boarding for Orchids and Tropical Plants
Fees and Guidelines:
• We are offering bench space in blocks of 5 square feet for $25, or 10 square feet for $50, billed monthly. Minimum charge is $25.00.
• Current space is located in one of our secure stock greenhouses. Larger spaces are available. This growing space is perfect for most Ladyslippers, Large and Small Cattleyas, Phalaenopsis, Oncidiums and similar genera.
• We will tend your plants with proper watering, fertilizing, grooming, any needed insecticide or fungicide treatments and lots of TLC. Boarding customers you will be notified by phone or email to pick-up plants coming into bloom. Care instruction handouts available upon request.
• We will do our very best to care for any injured or sick plants, however customers should be aware that not every plant can be salvaged. You will be informed if any plants appear beyond saving. We reserve the right to refuse plants with certain problems.
• Due to growing restrictions related to our temperatures and light we are not currently accepting Standard Vandas, Grammatophyllums or large Cymbidiums. Nursery restrictions do not allow us to care for hibiscus or citrus fruits.

Repotting services and/or supplies are available for an additional fee.
Carter and Holmes Orchids
629 Mendenhall Road
Newberry, SC 29108