Bulbophyllum micholitzii var. album x Bulbophyllum arfakianum
(Bloom photo shows a first bloom seedling)
The flowers on both species parents are quite unusual. Blooms have a sort of 'hooded' shape, where the top dorsal curves over and covers the barely open petals. We are expecting colors in light green to pale yellow, possibly with overlaid dark-red veining. Little to no scent, unlike many Bulbophyllums.
Growing Suggestions- Both parents are native to New Guinea or surrounding islands. We suggest these as intermediate to warm growing (68°-85°) with dappled light conditions meaning more shady than not. We tend to grow our Bulbophyllums on a bench underneath other hanging plants. Most Bulbophyllums have somewhat fine, and short root systems so overly bright light or dry conditions will desiccate the foliage. Grow in well draining but moisture retentive media. We have started ours in pots and by the time they outgrow their current containers, they will be ready for shallow baskets or pan pots.
Established in 2.5" pots and blooming size.
October 2, 2024- We are entering flowering season for this item. Plants will be sent in spike or bud whenever possible, while supplies last.
ITEM NUMBER | 10390/25 |
POT SIZE | 2.5" pot |
ALLIANCE | Bulbophyllum |
PLANT TYPE | Hybrid (Seedling) |
BLOOM COLOR | Green/Tan |
EXPECTED FIRST FLOWERING | Expected to flower for the first time within 12 months |
FRAGRANT? | Not Fragrant |
LIGHT REQUIREMENTS | Shady, medium light |
TEMPERATURE REQUIREMENTS | Warm Grower- This plant prefers warm temperatures of 65 degrees or above year round. Which means it prefers warm winters and can tolerate hot summers |