NEW Starter Collection
For a Limited Time, grab this collection of SIX best sellers for one discounted price. You will receive one each of the following plants growing in 2.5" pots. Some are flowering size now, and some will need to grow a bit. All are beautiful, healthy plants. What a great way to kick-start a new collection!
10390 Bulbophyllum micholitzii var. album x Bulbophyllum arfakianum
10499 Brassolaelia Yellow Bird
10642 Phalaenopsis Meen Estrella
10483 Brassavola glauca
10626 Blc. Hawaiian Satisfaction (photo) x Cattleya bicolor
10624 Cattleya Chocolate Drop x Blc. Bouton Star (photo)
Price shown is the discounted price, and no further discounts, promo codes or coupons will apply. Regular shipping charges will be added.